Monday, January 28, 2013

Update on Roxy

 Hello all!

Sorry its been a while since my last post. It seems like life has been crazy the past couple of weeks. We moved into our new house and all was going well until last Monday my furbaby Roxy got hurt. She went outside to play and when she came back in she wouldn't put her hind right leg down. It seemed pretty serious because of the way she was walking and having trouble getting up. My husband and I agreed we needed to take her to the vet the next morning. On Tuesday before work we dropped Roxy off at the vet to get an x-ray and find out what was going on. Around noon I called the vet to get an update and there was no good news. She tore her ACL and surgery was highly recommended. If we didn't do the surgery then she would more than likely tare her other ACL from the pressure being put on it. We were referred to an orthopedic surgeon about 20 mins from where we live. The good thing is we had heard nothing but great things about him and he is the best in the Tennessee Valley. So Thursday morning we went to the surgeon and after he inspected her it was in fact a torn ACL and surgery was needed. David and I had already discussed that we will do the surgery if needed. We decided to leave her over night at the vet because he was going to work her in if he could. This was really hard for me to do. Roxy has never stayed overnight at the vet and I didn't want her to think I had abandoned her. The staff there was very comforting and I knew they would take good care of her so it eased my mind a little.

Friday I was able to pick her up after getting word the surgery went great. I was so happy to see her and she was pretty happy to see me as well. She looked so pitiful and it broke my heart to see her with a big bruise on her leg and hobbling around.

On the way home from surgery

Her bruise and bandage :(

Now that she is home the next 2 weeks are crucial for her not to be up running around and chasing after things. When she goes outside she has to be on a leash so if she see's something she won't run after it. She has to be in a crate when we leave her by herself. Just a side not we don't crate our dogs when we leave the house we just block off the upstairs so they are confined to the downstairs. This works best for our dogs and they don't tare up anything while we are gone. Today is the first day Roxy is home by herself. I am going to go home at lunch to check on her and make sure she hasn't been licking her bandage. I'm hoping the pain medicine has knocked her out and she will just sleep most of the time. That's all she did this weekend. The past few night have been a little rough. Roxy has been sleeping with us and bless her heart she just can't stay comfortable. She has been waking me up at 3 am every morning and then  every hour on the hour after that. I know most people are sensitive when you compare a dog to a child. But I really feel they are almost the same with a few exceptions. For example it breaks my heart to see Roxy like this and when she whimpers I wish I knew what it was for. Just like if I had a child that was sick I would just wish they could tell me what was wrong so I could fix it. I just want to stay home and watch over her to make sure she is ok and let her know I'm there to take care of her. I love my dog dearly; she is like my child.
Here are a few pictures I captured of her this weekend just lying around.

Please keep her in your thoughts as she recovers from her surgery. Thank you and I appreciate it! 


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